Dog PooTrap? I Can't!

I saw this interesting invention while watching a clip of Anderson Cooper's talk show. By the way, I love his show. We don't have cable but his Youtube channel pretty much show all the episodes. 

Who thought of this? I don't know whether to laugh or cry. 

So basically you put a plastic bag on your dog's bottom to catch the feces. It looks messy and time consuming to me. #lesigh 

Their slogan is, "The magic poo collector." lol

Random Thoughts

*Letting Simon read Do You was a FAIL.  I forgot about all the profanity and he brought the book back to me...shaking his head. 


*This TED conversation with Erika Napoletano came on my TL at the best possible moment.

Quotes worth remembering...

"When are you going to admit that there's something glorious about being YOU?"

"When I started being honest and stopped apologizing for it, the universe had a corky way of letting me know I was on the right path."


*TEAVANA is the devil *tea addict*


*Wyclef looking ashy on a motorcycle? Laughs for day...Where's Yele, Clef? Not so funny :-(



*I can't wait to book a trip to New Orleans. I really want to take the kids with us. 


*I love the new Youtube analytics-sooo much details on my videos. Subscribe to my channel.



Tell me your random thoughts

He's Probably A Millionaire

I don't own a smartphone, so I don't take pictures of random people unless I see something that gives cause for a double take.

This guy met that criteria....


I went to the mall to pick up my laptop and came across this interesting sight.  A man wearing a suit jacket, pink tie, basketball shorts, and dress shoes without socks.

I'm no fashionista (my fashion fails are well documented) but even I know you just don't do that. 

Did you miss that bolded, italic part? Basketball shorts. This picture just doesn't give the situation justice.

I told my girl he's probably filthy rich because he just doesn't give a damn. lol

She thinks he's a fashion designer. I agree! lol

We're Lame & Target is the Devil

Taking pictures in the pillow aisle at Target? Where they do that at? lol


We ran in Target for pillows after dinner and came out with a 10 piece stainless steel cookware set.

This rarely happens to me.  I always go into big box stores with a list and never browse. *shaking my head*

Eric was very encouraging and said, "hey, it's not like you do this often." True, but still...

Awesomely Luvvie has a hilarious post about Voodoo at Target.


Dinner was yummy.

I had hunan tofu with black sauce...


Eric had sesame tofu...


All 3 kids ate seafood. #boo