Random Thoughts

*Letting Simon read Do You was a FAIL.  I forgot about all the profanity and he brought the book back to me...shaking his head. 


*This TED conversation with Erika Napoletano came on my TL at the best possible moment.

Quotes worth remembering...

"When are you going to admit that there's something glorious about being YOU?"

"When I started being honest and stopped apologizing for it, the universe had a corky way of letting me know I was on the right path."


*TEAVANA is the devil *tea addict*


*Wyclef looking ashy on a motorcycle? Laughs for day...Where's Yele, Clef? Not so funny :-(



*I can't wait to book a trip to New Orleans. I really want to take the kids with us. 


*I love the new Youtube analytics-sooo much details on my videos. Subscribe to my channel.



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