Friday Inspiration
Dawn teaches people how to "seek, say & live the truth"
Quotes worth mentioning from the video...
"Relinquish the need to be perfect."
"No longer value the opinions of others when you know they don't line up with who you know you are."
"I'm successful because I don't give up."
"You are not the one person who harbors secrets. You are not the only person who holds onto shame. It's not too late to heal. The hurt is not too deep to reach."
"As I release judgement and fear, I have no room for hate."
"Turn off the TV and end your addiction to being entertained by negativity."
"I know that people will continue to misunderstand you. It's okay."
"Misery doesn't deserve to look you in the eye and say 'hi' "
"What story in your head are you playing over and over again that you need to retire?"
"Take some time. Turn off your phone. Get away from social networking. Spend some time with yourself. Go outside. Smell some flowers. Talk to some people in real life."
"BE authentic. BE who your retweet. Be that Facebook status you share. The world deserves the best YOU. We're all waiting and we would love to meet you."
I didn't plan to quote nearly the whole video but it was just that good to me,.
Watch it when you get a chance. :-)
Make Me Smile....
*Hot Tea
*My kids giggling
*Hot Showers
“Cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes to you, and to give thanks continuously. And because all things have contributed to your advancement, you should include all things in your gratitude.”
― Ralph Waldo Emerson
Make Me Smile...
* Lemongrass tea in my favorite mug
*Laughing at Arthur with #thesekids
*Opening the blinds and discovering a thin blanket of snow on the ground
*When the carpet has fresh vacuum cleaner tracks
*Booklights that don't break in a week and have a long battery life
*Silence early in the morning
Make Me Smile....
*Alvin singing
*Theo giggling
*Simon excitedly recapping a book he just read
*Lines from vacuum cleaner
*Reading by candlelight
*Crossing out items on my "to-do" list
*Watching 4itsrox commentary on ratchet reality shows-She's 100% better than the actual show