Quote of the Day
Don't worry about hard times, because some of the greatest things we have in life come from trials in our life.
— Soledad Francis PhD (@SoledadFrancis) August 4, 2013
Quote of the Day
“Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our minds!”
Quote of the Day
Am I being excluded or am I excluding myself? <--This is the mantra of people who push out of their comfort zones and seek opportunities.
— Kim Love (@kimmaytube) July 12, 2013
Quote of the Day
if you're specific about what you'll want it'll be easier to get it.
— क़िस्मत (@lauwiley) July 12, 2013
Quote of the Day
“Explore. Create. Give yourself as much room to fail, as well as the room to succeed. Use a little of the old while ushering in a whole lot of the new. Develop into your own opinion leader. Need no approval. Be courageous. Be humble. Be loving. Be respectful. Learn about everything. Remember there is more than one truth. The best armor in life is self-love and respect. Don’t trap yourself with the desire of wanting to be liked. Be respected. Trust yourself to be your own confidant. Tell yourself yes more often than no. Don’t take this world personally. Know that every person you come across has something powerful to teach you, especially enemies. Never fail to deliver on your word. Never make yourself smaller for ANYONE. This world is yours in any way that suits you.