vegan juice

Apple, Carrot & Ginger Juice Fresh Juice for Beginners


Which do you prefer? Fresh juice or smoothies?

For me, it depends on whether or not I feel like cleaning the juicer. lol

I’ve been drinking this juice combination for years and feel it perfect for beginners who may be a little nervous about drinking green juice.

I used about:

  • 8 carrots

  • 3 apples

  • About an inch of peeled ginger

It's okay to use more apples until you figure out how you feel about having carrots in your juice.

I also like to sprinkle in a little cinnamon and turmeric. :-)

If you don’t have a slow juicer (masticating), be sure to consume all your juice within 24 hrs to get the maximum nutritional value.

I have this Breville juicer

No juicer? Blend all ingredients with about 1/2 cup of water then strain through a cheese cloth into a large bowl.

Check out the full tutorial on my YouTube channel…

If you’re interested in doing a raw foods cleanse, check out this blog post with raw juice, smoothies, and other recipes and a 7-day raw food challenge and PDF.

We Bought A Juicer!

I talked so much trash about my previous juicer that I made sure to get one that would last longer than 6 months. I love my smoothies but my desire to get a juicer came after watching Hungry for Change (available on Netflix Instant) the other night. I mentioned to Eric that we should get a juicer and do a juice feast. He encouraged it and was instantly on board!

I went back and forth between this Breville juicer (used in the documentary Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead) and the Omega J8006. I decided on the Breville after reading reviews and for the less bulky design. I also wasn't a fan of the small opening on the Omega.  I felt it would take too long to chop pieces of fruit and vegetables to get through the chute.

I'm ready to get my socks rocked off with some juicing!

The juice feast will start on Friday, January 11th

Will you join us? If you don't own a juicer, I made a video showing how to make fresh juice using a blender and nut bag.

We plan to document our juice feast on my Youtube channel and here on the blog. Be sure to subscribe to stay up to date. :-)

Disclaimer: If you buy the juicer using the link above, I will get a couple of cents from Amazon. Of course, I would never recommend something that I wouldn't use myself. :-)