"Mrs. New Booty" is a blog series I started to document my weight loss journey.
Written on May 23rd
I really wasn't in the mood to exercise this morning.
I was pumped for my morning jog last night, though. I downloaded my podcasts (Ratchet & the Geek and The Read), pulled out my workout gear and set my alarm.
I woke up early, ate a banana, drank a cup of tea and played on YouTube for an hour.
The struggle is real .
When Jason got up, he asked about my jog. When I told him I didn't go, he suggested we go on a walk.
We walked 2 miles and I munched on some rabbit food....
Social accountability got me moving! If you're trying to lose a few pounds, ask someone you trust to keep you in line.
Later this week, I will talk about setting a weekly workout schedule.
Thanks for reading!