94. Why Plant-Based IS Blackness & Community Building with Chef Zu


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We chat about:

  • Chef Zu’s gradual transition to a plant-based lifestyle

  • Vegan meal planning and how to get confident in the kitchen

  • How to veganize your favorite dishes

  • The connection between gut health and mental health

  • Why veganism is culturally & historically relevant to black folks.

Reach Chef Zu:





In the Shadow of Slavery: Africa’s Botanical Legacy in the Atlantic World

Shout out to this week’s sponsor…

To save 30% off a Care.com Premium membership— visit https://www.care.com/brownvegan

93. How Blaq.Vegan Grew Her Instagram From 0 to 16K in 10 Months | @blaq.vegan


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We chat about:

  • How Shauna changed her relationship with food and was able to overcome binging & purging and depression.

  • Specific strategies Shauna used to build community, post consistent quality content, and grow her Instagram following to over 16k in 10 months.

  • A breakdown on how to use tags, engagement, and analytics to grow your following.

  • Instagram Etiquette: Why you should STOP tagging personal pages that have nothing to do with your content and never add people to group messages without permission.

Reach out to Shauna:

Vegan Instagram

Buy Thrive on IG — use discount code “brownvegan” to save 15% (course is discontinued)

Get a consult with Shauna —use discount code “brownvegan” to save 15%

Resources mentioned:

Fat Smash Diet by Ian Smith

Forks Over Knives


Crazy Sexy Cancer


Influencer by Brittany Hennessy

Heal Thyself for Health and Longevity by Queen Afua

Sacred Woman by Queen Afua

Field Roast


Shout out to Daily Harvest for sponsoring this episode of the podcast.

Go to https://www.daily-harvest.com and enter promo code 'brownvegan' to get three cups for FREE in your first box!

92. Q&A: Is Social Media Your Full-Time Job & Are Your Kids Vegan?


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After getting so many comments last year about why I never do solo episodes anymore, I finally did a Q&A sharing some of my vegan and business experiences.⁣⁣⁣
Some of the questions I answered:⁣⁣⁣
*My favorite vegan cheese brands⁣⁣⁣
*Tips on how to get kids to go vegan⁣⁣⁣
*How I edit my podcast⁣⁣⁣
*When is a good time to start a YouTube channel (if you have a food business)?⁣⁣⁣
*How & why I started a vegan journey⁣⁣⁣
*Does it bother me that my family isn’t vegan?⁣⁣⁣
*How to find a vegan community? ⁣⁣⁣
*How I avoid going down the vegan rabbit hole of too much research? #rawvegan#veganketo #drsebi⁣⁣⁣

Resources Mentioned:

91. From Drug Dealing to Herb Healing with Dr. Bobby Price


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Dr. Bobby Price is a certified plant-based nutritionist, exercise physiologist, and Doctor of Pharmacy. He has extensive clinical experience in the hospital setting, one on one patient contact in community pharmacy, and health care regulatory experience with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). 

After personally experiencing the healing powers of a plant-based lifestyle seven years ago, Dr. Price was inspired to adopt a more holistic approach to healing others. Since that time he has traveled the world studying with herbalists, shamans, and spiritual gurus learning the magical art of healing the mind, body, and soul. Now instead of filling synthetic prescriptions, Dr. Price uses plant-based foods, herbal medicine, and holistic techniques to help others restore their well-being.  - Bio credit

We chat about:

  • Dr. Price’s transition from an S.A.D diet to a healthy plant-based lifestyle.

  • Myths and solutions for vitamin deficiencies such as: B12, vitamin D, protein & iron.

  • Natural treatments for common ailments, such as: headaches, menstrual cramps, and stomach pain.

  • Dr. Price’s own meal planning process and where and how he shops.

  • Why you should ignore food advertising (on the front) and flip products over and look at ingredients instead.

  • The benefits of herbal detoxing, his detox program, (use discount code “brownvegan” to save 10%), and what results you can expect after the detox.

Reach Dr. Price:

Website (use discount code “brownvegan” to save 10%)


Buy Vegucation Over Medication

Resources mentioned:


The Dorito Effect

Lov’n it Live (restaurant in ATL)

Dr. Sebi

Colloidal silver (for flu symptoms)

Tassili’s Raw Reality (raw vegan restaurant in ATL)

90. An Intro to Herbs & Being Social Media Influencers with The Geneus Life


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In this episode, I chat with Trudy of the Geneus Life about:

  • How Trudy’s eating has evolved since she started her vegan journey.

  • Why and how she uses herbs to heal herself naturally.

  • Why you don’t need a million followers to be a social media influencer.

  • How she and her partner Jet were able to triple their income working with brands in less than a year.

Reach the Geneus Life:





Resources mentioned:

Shout out to this week’s sponsor…

For 40% off all subscriptions at LOLA, visit http://www.mylola.com and enter brownvegan when you subscribe!