Summer Adventures

With the new season starting (my favorite of the year), I've decided to jot down some things I need to start/complete.  I really don't like the sound of "goals" because it feels so restrictive to me; so I will call it my Summer Adventures.

*Start the daycare business again-fill 3 spots

*Remove cable/TV from our bedroom

*Backup the thousands of pictures on my Mac to an online service

*Wake up at 6 each morning for a run/jog

*MAJOR plunge in the master bedroom closet-removing most clothing, shoes and hangers

*Book a flight for later this year/early next year

*Hire a tutor for Simon-His grades are good but there are some areas that we feel he needs extra help in

*Peruse an art history book-Yes! I already have one in mind

*Read a geography textbook-book must focus on religion and culture of societies all over the world

*Register for two fall classes

Disney Day #5

We woke up this morning with no plans for the day and I loved it.  We slept in, had a late breakfast and piled in the truck to sightsee at about noon.  We ended up at a small amusement park named Fun Spot in Kissimmee.

My sister Toni has ALWAYS been the daredevil in our family.  She was sooo excited
when she saw the bungee jumping contraction when we entered the parking lot . She quickly paid her $40 and strapped up.

A great way to quench your thirst-NOT!

Theo was too scared to ride the slide alone, so The Hubs had to join him.

Hanging with my twin :-)

My sister said she felt like vomiting after being on this ride.  She is said it was worse than bungee jumping. How is that possible? LOL

Disney Day # 4

Beach time!!! We headed out to Coqina Beach (about 2 hrs away) for a relaxing day with my father in law, sister in law and The Hub's stepmom.

REAL Florida oranges on the back of a truck

The Hubs told me stepmom in-law was preparing a picnic lunch for us on the beach.  I pretty much devoured this bag of trail mix because I wasn't sure if there would be any food options for me.

The boys rushed to the water as soon as we hit the sand

Browsing for a new read

Simon rushing back to the water after a seagull pooped on his face. Ewww!!

The water was so incredibly beautiful and warm

I was able to make myself a little snack...minus the beans.  After I put them on my plate, I realized they were made with pork. #nothanks

I started an awesome book on my Kindle while relaxing in a beach chair. A great time was had by all!

Disney Day #3

I woke up early this morning (I can't help it) and decided to relax after a long day at Magic Kingdom yesterday.  Eric took Theo and Alvin to Tampa to visit his dad and stepmom and I enjoyed a quiet day with my sister and Simon.  Simon decided to stay behind because he woke up with a swollen face.  He is allergic to something here and we haven't figured it out yet.  It may be the detergent on his sheets? He said he feels fine and we've been giving him Benadryl.

He people watched and viewed a Parking Wars marathon with my sister Toni; while I napped and worked on some sociology homework.

Alvin and Theo came back from Tampa with gifts such a toy parakeet, watch, lighthouse statue, and other knick knacks.  As nice as those gifts were, I couldn't help think that I don't want anymore clutter in their bedroom.  I spent a great deal of time last week sorting toys, books, clothing, art supplies, etc. and the last time I want to do is being confusion back into their serene space. *sigh* It's so hard to say "no" to grandparents.  Before the trip, my mom gave me $100 for them to pick out souvenirs and I'm hoping they opt for practical choices at Hollywood Studios next week.

In any event, here's a picture of Theo showing off his wooden parakeet.  The boys came back at about 10 PM and Alvin refused to pose for pictures.  He took a shower, whined a bit about the noise from the neighboring condo and in typical Alvin fashion fell asleep midway through complaints.

Disney Day#2

I woke up yesterday morning feeling better about the condo.  I did some cleaning and tried not to look down at the carpet. LOL  I didn't have to avoid the matted carpet for long though because we headed to Magic Kingdom at about 12:30 PM.  My old friend from middle school works at another Disney park and hooked us up with discounted tickets! Woo-hoo!

I was concerned about it being the 2nd day in the row that I wasn't able to workout but those feelings soon dissipated once we started walking around the park.  There was A LOT of walking and I think I sweated about 5 buckets of water.  Hopefully, I was able to lose about 3 lbs during the visit. *wishful thinking*

I'm not sure what kind of bird this is but everyone seemed amazed at them (including me) and kept taking pictures.  I also saw many kids (including mine) chasing them.

Chilling with Simon on the Tom Sawyer boat

Exploring Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn's island-I'm still debating whether or not to select one of Twain's books for our next bedtime selection for obvious reasons.

Waiting in the Haunted Mansion line

The Hubs and I were both selected (on two separate rides) to hold the red badge to help Disney track the hold time for rides.  Disney is EXTREMELY efficient and I love it.  I see why there is so much repeat business to their parks.  Once you've experienced a Disney park there's not going back to Kings Dominion or Six Flags.  There are TONS of people in line but they move quickly and on most occasions you're standing in an air conditioned building.
Cinderella's Castle at dusk-Beautiful!

We had breakfast at the condo and since we packed lunch (to save money) decided to have dinner at the park.  I was VERY surprised at how reasonable the food was!  We fed 6 people on $70.  The best part is there was a vegetarian option for me.  My meal could have been vegan but since I'm not 100% certain, I will call it vegetarian.

Hummus sandwich with some type of slaw

The fireworks display was spectacular!

We left the park at midnight and everyone was beyond exhausted.  Good times!