Beach time!!! We headed out to Coqina Beach (about 2 hrs away) for a relaxing day with my father in law, sister in law and The Hub's stepmom.
REAL Florida oranges on the back of a truck
The Hubs told me stepmom in-law was preparing a picnic lunch for us on the beach. I pretty much devoured this bag of trail mix because I wasn't sure if there would be any food options for me.
The boys rushed to the water as soon as we hit the sand
Browsing for a new read
Simon rushing back to the water after a seagull pooped on his face. Ewww!!
The water was so incredibly beautiful and warm
I was able to make myself a little snack...minus the beans. After I put them on my plate, I realized they were made with pork. #nothanks
I started an awesome book on my Kindle while relaxing in a beach chair. A great time was had by all!