Random Thoughts
*I'm bad at remembering names and birthdays.
*Naps make the world better...everyone should take a 20 min one daily.
*I wish I could use copyright music on my Youtube channel. I have plenty of songs that would be awesome.
*I could watch King of Queens every day. As a matter of fact, I'm about to watch a few episodes right now. :-)
*I only miss cable on Sundays because Own has all the good shows on. *le sigh*
Internet Explorer is Still Around? Oh.
I like their new commercial, though. Anything that takes me back to 80s and 90s with movies, toys, TV shows, snacks, and books gets the thumbs up. #nostalgia The 80s and 90s can keep the hairstyles and fashion though. Ain't nobody got time for asymmetrical haircuts and Cross Colours. lol
Random Thoughts
*I like to hear "Young Chop on the beat" #tracks #ratchetmusic
*I always want to know what people are reading. #collectingtitles
*Despite all of the trials of tribulations of the last few years, I finally live my ideal life-minus the money part.
*People assume I'm a health nut and work out a lot because I have a plant-based lifestyle. At the moment, I don't even have a workout schedule. Labels can be so annoying.
*In 3rd grade I thought the song was "Blame It On Lorraine" not "Blame It On the Rain" #lawd
I still mess up song lyrics. #truestory
Random Thoughts
*It's easier for me to come up with content on this blog than Brown Vegan. Maybe because I don't think anyone is reading it and I'm not as subconscious about my writing. Hello, if you are reading this! :-)
*It really is easier just to be yourself
*I can be so loud and obnoxious sometimes but whatevs
*Apologizing is hard but I'm glad I did it in both situations