Inspiration, Random Monique Inspiration, Random Monique

1,000 Words Per Day

I remember reading on Chris Guillebeau's blog last year about him writing over 300,000 words per year.  I was intrigued but not enough to actually do it myself until very recently.


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I started that challenge last week and it isn't nearly as hard as I thought it would be.  I write approximately 4 pages each day.  Most of it is rambling in journal format but I STARTED.  Starting is always the hard part for me, so I'm proud of this achievement.

I write in my notebook or use Word on my laptop.

I don't know where writing will lead me but I do know it feels amazing.


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Random Monique Random Monique a Dress

This rarely happens so I had someone snap a picture.

I'm more comfortable wearing jeans and yoga pants but I liked this look!


My mom did a great job at picking up this dress for me.

  I may have to get a few more dresses for the summer. 

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Nostalgia, Random Monique Nostalgia, Random Monique

Hyped for the Olympic Games

The kids and I have been busy watching Olympic highlights as far back as 1988. Gotta love Youtube!


Growing up, my favorite events to watch were track & field, figure skating, gymnastics, and synchronized swimming.

I drove my mom crazy doing my version of Dominique Dawes' floor exercise routine on her furniture.


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You couldn't tell me I wasn't Dominique Dawes! lol

Michael Johnson was the man and Marion Jones broke my heart.


I can't wait see the highlights from London!

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