

Love or hate her,  Bey is that chick!

Beyonce taught me a couple of lessons.​

Lesson #1

It's okay to be yourself-There was so much controversy last week about Beyonce new song snippet.  I think most of the drama is because Beyonce operated like a "brand" and not a person for so long. I will be always strive to be my authentic self.  It's just so much easier that way.  Like Kurt Cobain said, "I rather be hated for who I am than loved for who I'm not."

Lesson #2

Be your own competition- No one is like Bey. NO ONE. She is in her own lane and I strive for that. I only want to outdo MYSELF.


Still Writing 750 Words


I've only missed a few days this month and I blame it on vacation. Wait, technically I can't blame vacation because I wrote 2 out of the 4 days there.


I struggle sometimes with what to write about during the 750 words. I'm literally saying stuff like....

"When will this be over?"

"I'm drinking chai green tea right now"

"I need to wake up earlier"

"It's time to put the laundry in the dryer"

Earlier I saw a tip on No Meat Athlete from Tony Robbins about journal writing.

He said journal entries become easier when you use this as guideline...

  1. What did I learn today?
  2. What did I improve today?
  3. What did I enjoy today?

I also decided to write 3 things I'm thankful for daily.  I should have my 750 words in no time. :-)

If only I could get myself to write on Brown Vegan. #sigh That's a post for another day.

I hope you're having a beautiful day.

Thanks for reading. :-)

Did I Break the Chain in January?

Yes and no.

I started 750 words for the 1st time on Jan 12th

Yes, because there were a few days that I didn't wake up early or write my 750 words. I did get back on track instead of quitting though. :-)

February plans...

I will allow myself to sleep in one day during the weekend to reward myself for getting up early on the other 6 days.  For now, I will only do it one day because last weekend when I slept in on Sat & Sun, I had a hard time getting back on track for 4 days in a row!!!

I'm also planning to write out everything that I want to get done early each morning, so I can't have an excuse not to wake up early.


Adding 2 new chains for February....

I really want to learn and improve my photography, so I decided to take a pic a day.  No pressure. One photo is the only requirement.  

I plan to update my camera this year, so I want to spend time learning and getting the most out of that investment.  I want photography & videography to become a large part of my life.

The other chain is to read to #thesekids every night for 15 minutes. :-)

I feel like I'm off to a great start and can't wait to see all the amazing things I get done this year.

Don't Break the Chain! MoKo Moments #2

 In this video, I talk about my experience with using Jery Seinfeld's productivity secret.

Youtube picks the worse thumbnails lol


Links from the video:

More information my Seinfeld's hack: http://bit.ly/pvgrPj

Print your own calendar: http://bit.ly/bgYHt

Chain (web-based) Calendar: http://chaincalendar.com/about

Steal Like An Artist http://amzn.to/Va0c09Amazon Affiliate Link

Writing website: http://750words.com/