750 Words

Have you used 750Words yet? I'm starting it when I wake up in the morning.

I tried writing a 1,000 words daily last summer and only lasted a couple of weeks.

Anyhoo, no need to dwell on that. Moving right along...

My goals:

*To get in the habit of writing daily

*Use it as a brain dump

*Hopefully get the creative juice to flows...more ideas & project for Brown Vegan & my family.


I caught on up on posts from Jeff Goins and feel motivated.

Start Today, Not Tomorrow I'm starting in the morning anyway lol I want to write while #thesekids are sleeping

Why Do You Need to Write Every Day


I'm up early anyway, might as well make the best of the time. 

Wish me luck. :-)

Update 1/12/12: I woke up this morning and did my 750words!

Reflecting on 2012 Part 2

Here's part 1

Answer all 10 questions on your own by visiting this post on Happy Black Woman.

What do I want to leave behind in 2012...

Which personal development area(s) did you make the least progress on this year: health, finances, education, relationships, work, and/or lifestyle? Outside of health & work (getting professional business coaching advice, being consistent on my Youtube channel) I don't feel there was much progress in the other areas. I will continue exploring that more in my personal journal.

What promises to yourself (or others) did you break in 2012? I was suppose to do a collaboration video with someone and didn't follow through. Hopefully I can get it done in 2013.

What arguments/gossip/hurtful comments, if any, did you participate in or make this year that you wish you could take back and/or apologize for? I was very judgmental last year. I hated my own life, so I spent a lot of time disagreeing with what everyone else did in their lives. I also gossiped a lot-not cool at all.

Rosetta, AKA Happy Black Woman posted this on her Twitter the other day...
"In 2013, let us CREATE more than we CRITICIZE. Manifest the work you keep distracting yourself from with gossip & snark." Yes!

What opportunities, if any, did you miss out on in 2012 because of fear and procrastination? I connected with vegan chef, Bryant Terry on Twitter last March and he agreed to do an interview for my lil' ole blog. I emailed him and when he didn't reply, I never followed up. I procrastinated too long and then got nervous that he wouldn't remember me. *sigh*

What did you do in 2012 , if anything, that is out of alignment with your values? My values were so out of alignment with my life, that there's no way I can answer this question here. *heading to my journal*


Early Mornings

It was so hard to wake up early this morning...but I did it. I'm doing Jerry Seinfeld's productivity "secret" and I don't want to break my chain. I want my calendar to have blue (or black) x's for all of 2013. I will wake up early to read & write. Even if it's silly writing, I'm up early to do it. I'm planning to use this hack in other areas of my life but for now I'm up before or by 6 AM. Every single day.

Overall, it does make a world of difference to me. I read, slowly sip hot tea, work on projects (need to do this!), and most importantly write something...anything, in silence. 

Early mornings....no days off.

Vacations, weekends, sick days...I must get up and do the work. Even if only two lines, I must write every day.

No days off- "taking breaks will leave you broken and we can't fall"