Goals for the Week


*Unplug from social media, email, Youtube and gossip blogs on Sun, Tues & Thurs

*Mop all floors and shampoo carpet in dining room

*Have kids read and do vocabulary words before computer time

*Record 2 cooking videos-upload one of those videos by Tuesday night

*500 words each day

*Complete Grammatically Correct

*Blog 3 times on the main blog for the week

*Plan date night with hubby for Fri night....aiming for something different than dinner & movie

Yikes! Sounds like a lot....I guess it shouldn't be too bad since I will be semi-unplugged on 3 of those days.  The Internet is my main distraction. #smh


My Writing Sucks!


I didn't spend nearly as much time this summer living in the moment or exploring with my kids. Instead, majority of my time was in bed with my laptop, dealing with my inner turmoil.

Because of that, getting closer to my goal of becoming a better writer and vegan chef/coach was put on the back burner.

I haven't written my 1,000 words since early July. The bottom line is, my writing sucks and has for a long time. Even though I have a lot of ideas, I find myself not blogging on my main blog as often. When it comes to conveying those ideas on paper....my words don't come out as fluid, conversational, or well-researched as I would like. I have issues with sentence structure, punctuation, style, grammar.

Maybe I was a bit ambitious with the 1,00 words per day; considering that before that I didn't write more than a blog post or short entries in my journal. For now, I will lower my standard to 500 words per day.


While laying in the sand with the kids, I started reading a sample of Grammatically Correct since it was listed for only $1.99 (regularly priced at $9.99).

After reading this passage I immediately downloaded the book to my Kindle . Damn you, Amazon for making spending money too easy.

I know the process will be slow but I'm willing to do the work to get better.


Semi-Unplug Update

I made it through the day and actually exceeded my expectations.

Patting myself on the back *all smiles* 


What I did:

Made this yummy raw vegan mango cobbler with the boys


*Read all of Courtney Carver's book

*Wrote several pages in my journal-mostly reflections from Carver's book and how I want to improve our lives

*Confirmed all details with the host for a vegan cooking party I'm doing this weekend

*Decluttered the chipmunks' closet-getting rid of winter clothes that are too small or no longer being used

*Wrote this blog post, my Get Into Action Wednesday post, worked on my $100 challenge conclusion post

*moved my desktop computer from the bedroom to the living room

*Started reading The Power of Habit -Very interesting so far

*Had a Earth Hour with the kids-where we ate tofu bites, played board games, and I watched them shadow box



Best of all, no Youtube, excessive email checking, social media or celebrity gossip.

I must do this more often.



This Internet thing is consuming me.  It's not fitting in with the vision that I have for my life.

I'm addicted. Since I realize this, I'm taking baby steps in get my life back on track.

I was suppose to participate in Minimalist Mom's week long unplug last month, but a week without being "connected" made me too nervous. I chickened out.

I will unplug for one day instead and see how I feel tonight.

After tracking my online usage, I realize there are some sites that take up majority of my time.

Forbidden Sites:

ALL social media


Celebrity gossip forums

In moderation:

No checking email more than 3x today-sounds like a lot but I check it about 15x per day right now.


What I will do:

Read Courtney Craver's short book, Living in the Land of Enough

Write in my journal

Listen to music

Sit on my front porch

Act out (play) The Lion & the Mouse with Theo & Alvin

Work on the $100 challenge blog post

Plan this weekend's cooking class (so excited!)


My goal is to unplug for the day but hopefully I can do more time than that.

Baby steps work best for me.


After taking nearly a year off from school, I finally registered for the upcoming summer session.  I'm excited! I told myself that I wouldn't go back to school until...

I could pay cash

I REALLY want to

I have the time to actually do the work.

Fortunately, all three of those elements have fallen into place.

I REALLY regret getting a student loan a while back. Sure it served it's purpose, but I didn't really have debt until I took on that responsibly.

Lesson learned.