
This Internet thing is consuming me.  It's not fitting in with the vision that I have for my life.

I'm addicted. Since I realize this, I'm taking baby steps in get my life back on track.

I was suppose to participate in Minimalist Mom's week long unplug last month, but a week without being "connected" made me too nervous. I chickened out.

I will unplug for one day instead and see how I feel tonight.

After tracking my online usage, I realize there are some sites that take up majority of my time.

Forbidden Sites:

ALL social media


Celebrity gossip forums

In moderation:

No checking email more than 3x today-sounds like a lot but I check it about 15x per day right now.


What I will do:

Read Courtney Craver's short book, Living in the Land of Enough

Write in my journal

Listen to music

Sit on my front porch

Act out (play) The Lion & the Mouse with Theo & Alvin

Work on the $100 challenge blog post

Plan this weekend's cooking class (so excited!)


My goal is to unplug for the day but hopefully I can do more time than that.

Baby steps work best for me.


People Insist On Giving You More When You Don't Want Anything


Afternoon Giggles