Growth Monique Growth Monique

Reflecting on 2012 Part 2

Here's part 1

Answer all 10 questions on your own by visiting this post on Happy Black Woman.

What do I want to leave behind in 2012...

Which personal development area(s) did you make the least progress on this year: health, finances, education, relationships, work, and/or lifestyle? Outside of health & work (getting professional business coaching advice, being consistent on my Youtube channel) I don't feel there was much progress in the other areas. I will continue exploring that more in my personal journal.

What promises to yourself (or others) did you break in 2012? I was suppose to do a collaboration video with someone and didn't follow through. Hopefully I can get it done in 2013.

What arguments/gossip/hurtful comments, if any, did you participate in or make this year that you wish you could take back and/or apologize for? I was very judgmental last year. I hated my own life, so I spent a lot of time disagreeing with what everyone else did in their lives. I also gossiped a lot-not cool at all.

Rosetta, AKA Happy Black Woman posted this on her Twitter the other day...
"In 2013, let us CREATE more than we CRITICIZE. Manifest the work you keep distracting yourself from with gossip & snark." Yes!

What opportunities, if any, did you miss out on in 2012 because of fear and procrastination? I connected with vegan chef, Bryant Terry on Twitter last March and he agreed to do an interview for my lil' ole blog. I emailed him and when he didn't reply, I never followed up. I procrastinated too long and then got nervous that he wouldn't remember me. *sigh*

What did you do in 2012 , if anything, that is out of alignment with your values? My values were so out of alignment with my life, that there's no way I can answer this question here. *heading to my journal*


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Growth Monique Growth Monique

Reflecting on 2012 Part 1

Happy Black Woman did a post the other day about reflecting on the previous year to help jumpstart the new year. I answered the first five questions...

What is the most valuable lesson you learned this year? Time waits for no mom says this all the time, and this year proved it.  I spent most of the year dealing with fear, depression, bitterness and jealousy.  I could have spent more quality time with my husband and children and starting a business....not laying in bed.

What was the biggest milestone you reached in your relationships, health, finances, education and/or lifestyle? Towards the end of 2012, I read more than I had in a while- thanks to an awesome library down the street from us.  We also moved into a much smaller place closer to my parents and civilization(lol). It was a hard decision but I feel much happier with the move.  I decided to divert most of my mindless web surfing to reading more for pleasure and education. I also maintained a plant-based diet for the year (expect during my setback in December) Unfortunately, I didn't notice much improvement in my finances and personal relationships. I didn't save any money and pushed away most of the people interested in forming a friendship.

What professional accomplishments were you most proud of this year. I started my Youtube cooking channel.  I was sooo nervous to do it. I set a goal of 1,000 subscribers by the end of 2012 and ended up with over 1,500 subbies. Crazy! :-) I also upgraded my camera, purchased a microphone and took more care in editing my videos in a format that's comfortable for me.

What was your favorite family/friends moment from 2012? I had such an awesome time recording vlogs with my family this year.  In a few years it will be priceless to look back on this footage with my hubby and kids. We hiked in Kentucky and Eric and I experienced Boston together for the 1st time.

What was the best book/song/movie/restaurant/city/country, etc you discovered this year? I experienced breathtaking Denver during my birthday.  I'm so thankful for those beautiful mountains and didn't even mind the chilly weather at night. I wish I took more pictures and video!

I watched tons of Scandal and loved several Youtube webiseries.

I also discovered Bernice McFadden, fell in love with her writing style, and devoured two of her books.  

I listened to a lot of Pandora...Nora Jones, Corinne Bailey Rae, Lauryn Hill, ratchet songs, and 70s music on Youtube-it kept me sane through many moments of uncertainty.


Happy Black Woman also has a 30 day reset your life program. Check it out here.

I really need to do this lol

Part 2 of reflecting on 2012 coming next week

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