NOT Feeling Scandal Season 2
*le sigh* I thought it was just because I didn't like the "One for the Dog" episode, but now I realize the show has fallen off to me.
Last season, I remember logging off Twitter on Thursday nights to avoid spoilers, and impatiently waiting for to upload the latest episode. I still watch on Fridays but there isn't a sense of urgency anymore.
Why it doesn't feel the same....
*Olivia & Fitz? Blah! Fritz is a privileged bully and I'm mad Olivia put herself on the line for him. I hate that he makes her look weak. I started side-eyeing Fitz when he kidnapped Olivia and took her the woods. The way he harassed her on that elevator was the last straw for me. I want them to break up. Yeah, I said it!
*I miss the agency solving damn cases. I preferred it much more when the Fitz & Olivia affair was a subplot. I love the cases and how the agency comes together to "fix" everything. Oh, and all the awesome background music while they work is everything. *sigh*
*I don't get to look at Columbus Short for more than 30 seconds each episode. Liv gave Harrision more responsibility but now he just sits at his desk twirling his thumb while she's running around after Fitz. These writers play too much. I need Columbus on my screen!
*Umm, let's cancel Edison....Liv ain't feeling you, boo. I'm tried of you being all up in her apt acting thirsty. Go away!
I realize Rhimes is giving us some background on how Olivia, Fitz, and the agency got to this point, but I want the old format back. *tears*
I find AfterBuzz TV's Scandal commentary far more entertaining that the actual show. #YeShrug
All gifs taken from Scandal Moments
"The Dinosaurs"
Theo picked up seasons 3 & 4 this morning from the library. I love that the boys are open to watching "old shows" with me. :-)
On another note, I never realized how sexist and stuck on traditional gender roles this show is. Blah!
My Favorite Shows Aren't Even On TV
I love my Scandal and that's my only must-see TV show right now.
Everything else I enjoy is right on Youtube...including many of my favorite shows from the 90s.
I'm so glad many new producers are no longer asking for permission from movie studios and networks to get their work out there. Many are getting their own equipment and heading straight to Youtube.
Here are 4 of my favorite online shows...
Many established actors are also taking advantage of Youtube's free platform. Terry Crews, Kim Coles, and Jenifer Lewis are all using it to expand their brand.
I'm always looking for new shows to watch. Are you a fan of any web series?
Hustle Man's Free Range Chicken
So I was on my sister's Twitter page and saw a retweet from Tracy Morgan that reminded me of his role as Hustle Man on Martin. I headed over to Youtube and fell out when I watched this clip with him trying to sell Martin "free range" chicken.
"It was free for me but will cost you in the range of 10-15 dollars."
Yes, I'm a vegan but that doesn't mean I don't have a sense of humor.
Martin had the best recurring characters....Bruh-Man, Ms Gerri, Angry Man, Jerome, Sheneneh, Dragon Fly Jones and Otis. Laughs for days