Random Acts of Kindness

I'm still getting adjusted to living in an apartment, after being in a single family home on a very quiet street for 7 years. I'm very thankful for a less expensive living situation, being very close to my parents and best friend, and having a lot more options around me. I'm 5 minutes from Wegmans and Barnes & Noble, and we can literally walk to the brand-new library in our neighborhood.  No more rural living for us!

The kids like being around more children and made friends with a boy about their age across the hall from us. The little boy comes over every few days and they all ride bikes together daily.

I never made any real effort to talk to their friend's mom because I'm just weird like that. *sigh* I usually smile, wave and keep it moving.

While making dinner tonight, his mom knocked on the door and asked whether or not we would like a large pizza from Dominos. Apparently Dominios sent them an extra one and she thought we would want it. Of course, #thesekids were excited! lol

The pizza wasn't vegan, so I didn't have any but that's not really the point. The point is, she thought of us. People say that neighbors don't talk or care about each other but my new neighbor proved them wrong! I'm so thankful that someone is looking out for me and my family in this new (and sometimes overwhelming) environment.

Have a great weekend!


Quote of the Day


What My Kids Say