Random Thoughts

*My new kitchen layout will probably suck for recording cooking videos

*I like my tea plain and sometimes bitter-no thanks to sugar or agave nectar 

*I'm not looking forward to cold weather

*Meeting people online intimidates me more than meeting a crowd in person. I know that's backwards but that's how I roll

*My kids have been singing Total Eclipse of the Heart for the last 2 weeks. Now that's random. lol 


*When the kids are cranky I put on Poison. What? They dance and feel better. My sissy says I parent through music and movies-gotta keep things fresh

 *This blog needs more celeb gossip & ratchetness.  My bestie & sissy always email/call me about gossip, so why not? Sharing is caring. 

*I need to go to Youtube rehab

*I thought Scandal was coming back tomorrow, but it's not back until Sept 27th *cries real tears*



Show Quote: The Cosby Show


Music in My Ears: Bobby Brown "On Our Own"