What Inspired You This Week?

Three Quotes for the Week

I keep a large white board in my room with a list of the kids’ chores, assignments, and any info that I need to remember.


The other day, I decided to also keep a few quotes on there for inspiration.


What’s on there right now….


“If you want to be happy, you must be very intentional about how you spend your time.” Rosetta-Happyblackwoman.com


“Being realistic is the most common path to mediocrity.” Will Smith


“It’s time.

To dream boldly and imagine impossibilities.

To conjure up words and phrases the world is waiting to hear.

To turn off email and stop checking blog stats-To stop worry…and just write.  IT’S TIME TO BEGIN.” Jeff Goins


What quotes inspired you this week?


Me...in a Dress


These Kids Episode #9 Drunk in the Woods