5 Meal Planning Tips for NEW Vegan Families (VIDEO)

Adjusting to a vegan lifestyle can be overwhelming enough, but adding a family to the mix can sometimes make you want to pull your hair out. I remember those days!

Hell, sometimes I still have those days with the fam. The struggle is real!

I remember when meal planning was difficult because I couldn't figure out how to put meals together. It was hard not seeing meat as the center of a meal!

To complicate things more, I thought vegans only ate salads and smoothies. Quiet as it's kept, I wouldn't have lasted this long if we were limited to just salads and smoothies. We love variety!

I put together a vlog with 5 tips on saving a little time (and money) with meal planning for a family.

Check out the tips:

Put breakfast & snacks on autopilot-The less thinking you have to do the better! We usually have oatmeal or grits for breakfast and fruit for snacks, but there are limitless options out there for quick, cheap vegan meals and snacks. Other breakfast suggestions: pancakes, smoothies (using plant-based milk like almond or soy instead of dairy), roasted potatoes with a side of fruit, soy or coconut yogurt with fruit and waffles, & bacon and sausage alternatives. For snacks: crackers, trail mix, smoothies, pre-packaged vegan junk food (Oreos are vegan-just saying) & fresh fruit

Keep a food journal-This is a great way to keep track of the meals your family enjoys. You can refer back to the journal when you need quick meals ideas.

Take one main ingredient and make several meals out of it-As a kid, I hated leftovers, so this is a great way to jazz up meals for your family. For example, make a pot of lentils and make 3 meals out of it. On day one you can make lentils and rice, the next day make lentil soup and the third day make tacos or burritos. Of course you can also make a big batch of one of those recipes to eat over a few days.

Get your family's input-In my experience, my family became more open to this lifestyle change when I asked for their input. Find out some of their favorite recipes that you can veganize (make a vegan version of) them. People are more likely to eat what they recommend.

Be open with experimenting with new recipes-use vegan cookbooks and blogs to veganize some of your favorite recipes and to find new ones to experiment with. I tried about 4 vegan macaroni and cheese recipes before I found our favorite one. Be open to experimenting with several recipes until to find one that the majority of your family loves.

Be gentle with yourself and your family in this journey and I promise that meal planning, grocery shopping and cooking will get easier.

Here's the video....

Subscribe to my channel for more vlogs and vegan recipes for families

While you’re here, check out this other blog post with tips on how to go vegan with a family.

Valentine's Day Dinner & Dessert | Cooking with My Hubby

Valentine's Day is coming, so I thought it would be fun to do some cooking with Eric to celebrate on my YouTube channel.

The menu:

We made kale salad, portobello lasagna & chocolate-covered strawberries.

Kale salad is one of my favorite salads. To prevent the bitter taste and make it easier to chew, we massage the kale for about 5 minutes and let it marinate for at least an hour (so make this dish first).

Portobello lasagna is one of my mom's favorite dishes and she still doesn't believe the Field Roast sausage is really vegan. This dish is simple, delicious and perfect for skeptical male eaters.

For the dessert, we used fresh strawberries, toothpicks & a bag of chocolate chips. Just melt the chocolate, dip the strawberries, place on parchment paper and set in the fridge for about an hour.

Brands of vegan chocolate chips:
Wegmans semi-sweet
Enjoy Life
365 Everyday Value dark chocolate

Check out the video below and subscribe to my YouTube channel for more cooking videos and vlogs. Happy Valentine's Day!

Vanilla Cupcakes & My Baby is 12

In my Coming to America voice, "Oh my God...Oh my God, I can't believe it!"

I have a 12 year old? When did this happen? *tears* 

In previous years, Jason dismissed my attempts to make him vegan cupcakes. Today, he smiled and said, "okay" when I asked him about it.



Isa Chanda Moskowitz' vanilla cupcakes are amazing. Have you tried them? You must! These cupcakes are so moist and delicious. Seriously, they're my favorite and I'm so glad Jason allowed us to celebrate his birthday with them.

I'm sad that my baby is growing up too fast but I'm happy about the compassionate young man that he's becoming. 

Happy Birthday, J! 


Get the golden vanilla cupcake recipe here and the buttercream frosting here .

Moskowitz has other yummy cupcake recipes in her cookbook, Vegan Cupcakes Take Over the World.

I also made this recipe a while ago on my YouTube channel. Check it out :-)

What We Ate Today #4 | Vegan Family Meals


It's been too long since I've shared some of our meals, so I'm back on YouTube to show you the goods.  



So Delicious yogurt, granola & apple slices, bagel with Earth Balance



Vegan Tuna Sandwich, Way Better chips & carrots

Vegan Tuna Sandwich

by Brown Vegan


  • (2) 15 oz chickpeas, drained & rinsed
  • 1 cup red onion, chopped
  • 1 teaspoon relish
  • 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard
  • ½ cup vegan mayo
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • ½ teaspoon black pepper
  • ¼ teaspoon paprika
  • 6 Hamburger buns


Grind chickpeas in a food processor for a few seconds. Transfer to a bowl and mix in all the remaining ingredients. Serve on a bun with lettuce and tomato. Enjoy!

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Lentils & rice, simple salad

Lentils & Rice

by Brown Vegan

Prep Time: 5

Ingredients (Serves 5)

  • 1 tablespoon vegetable oil
  • 1 onion, roughly chopped
  • 2 garlic cloves, minced
  • ½ teaspoon chili powder
  • 1 teaspoon All-purpose seasoning blend (I used Flax Seasoning)
  • 2 cups dry lentils, rinsed (I usually soak mine in water for about 30 minutes)
  • 4 cups of vegetable broth
  • ½ cup sun-dried tomatoes
  • 3 cups of fresh greens
  • Salt & pepper to taste


1. Sauté onion and garlic on medium heat for about 4 mins.

2. Add in chili powder and all-purpose seasoning blend.

3. Continue cooking for another minute, then add in lentils and vegetable broth.

4. Bring to a boil.

5. Reduce heat, cover and continue cooking for 15-20, or until lentils are soft.

6. During the last 5 minutes, add in the greens and sun-dried tomatoes.

Season to taste with salt and pepper.

Serve with rice or quinoa.

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Watch the full video here and subscribe to my YouTube channel to get more cooking videos and vlogs.

Check out all the previous "What We Ate Today" posts here

Q & A : Vegan Kids While Out

Question from my Facebook inbox......

"Forgive me if this has been touched on a million times, I am brand new to your YouTube channel and have lots of catching up to do!

The questions that pop into my brain immediately are kids birthday parties or events and school lunches.....  how do you handle?

My kids are presently 8 and 7 and I try to make one good sized change for us every few months. I cannot imagine, though, how one deals with the endless parade of pizza parties the kiddos are invited to.  Do you make exceptions or are you EXCLUSIVELY vegan?

My babies :-) 

My babies :-) 

Answer-Yeah, school events, cookouts and kiddie parties used to be a major struggle for me.  I wanted my kids to be vegan but it was too difficult (mainly because my older kids are with their dad on the weekends) and I hated them being left out during birthday parties.  Also, I feel it's hard enough for adults to become vegan, so it's a ton of pressure for kids.

When my kids were in public school, I packed them a vegan lunch and they still enjoy eat vegan meals at home. When we eat out, go to a party, etc. they eat whatever they want.

When I was trying to get the boys to eat an exclusive vegan diet, I would bring dishes/treats to parties and school for them to share. Also, I would feed them before we went to parties and right afterwards.

I'm not sure if my views on vegan kids is popular, but after 3 years, I feel this way works best for our family.

I hope that helps!