vegan groceries

Vegan Grocery Haul

I hope you're having a great week!

I just wanted to do a quick post showing what I picked up from the grocery store last Sunday.  I'm still not sure what I will do with that eggplant (maybe this simple recipe), but it was cheap, so I snagged a couple of them.


I'm trying to curve some of these sugar carvings with fresh fruit, so I stocked up on strawberries, blueberries, bananas, young Thai coconut, plums, grapes and oranges. I wanted to fill my cart with chocolate, vegan cakes and chips. The struggle!  It really helps me to stay on track with food when I spend majority of my shopping time in the produce department.

Pretty empty Wegmans on a Sunday? Woohoo! The store is usually VERY crowded...especially on the weekends.

Pretty empty Wegmans on a Sunday? Woohoo!

The store is usually VERY crowded...especially on the weekends.

Come to the Grocery Store With Me #2

A few days ago, I went to grocery store with the KIDS, NO grocery list and a camera. Umm, yeah.  I was about that life!

I just tried to stick to items that we buy often-onions, garlic, beans, fresh fruit, rice, bagels, seasonings, cashews & walnuts (for raw vegan desserts), avocados, green leafy vegetables, tofu, tempeh, and a couple of bags of frozen vegetables.

Even though the kids distracted me a bit and Jason (my oldest) wanted to leave on more than one occasion, it wasn't too bad. I spent $150 on this grocery trip.

Here's the recipe for the homemade ice cream I mention in the video.