faily meal planning

What We Ate Today #6 | Vegan Family Meals (VIDEO)

There’s this misconception that vegan life goes a little something like this:

 1) Spend Saturdays strolling through the produce department of Whole foods (or the farmer’s market)

2) Check out and smile at your $400 weekly grocery receipt

3) Go home and juice 30 lbs of produce for the week and prep endless salads

I’m sure there are vegans out there that live this life, but overall there’s much more variety than juice, salads and smoothies in this lifestyle!

You can enjoy delicious and simple meals that don’t cost a lot of money and most importantly, your family will love it, too.  Overall, vegan meals are a lot of the meals you’re already enjoying (with a few adjustments with ingredients). It isn’t space food!

Vegan meals don't have to expensive or require a lot of exotic ingredients. Check out what we ate in one day as a family in one day....

Breakfast: Grits (with Earth Balance vegan margarine, salt, pepper & all-purpose seasoning) & strawberries for the kiddies, smoothie (spinach, soy milk, frozen blueberries & banana) for me & Eric ate oatmeal with blueberries before we woke up

Lunch: Vegetable stir-fry (broccoli, red bell peppers, mushrooms, Field Roast vegan sausage, onion, garlic, salt, pepper, all-purpose seasoning) & jasmine rice

Dinner: Vegetable pasta (quinoa pasta, spinach, mushrooms, garlic, canned diced tomatoes, sun-dried tomatoes, salt, pepper, oregano, all-purpose seasoning, green onion)

Check out the video below and subscribe to my YouTube for more videos like this. :-)

Check out all the previous "What We Ate Today" posts here