eat better and ditch the microwave

Will Ditching the Microwave Help You Eat Better?

Like a lot of people, I grew up with a massive microwave on the kitchen counter. I even remember my parents having a cookbook designed to make complete meals (from scratch) in the microwave. No lie!

When we moved to the apartment about 6 months ago, we decided not to get a microwave.  At the house, I used the microwave a lot because it was built in and convenient.  I wasn't sure we would be able to live without a microwave until I talked to one of my friends (who has been without one for at least 2 years) and she said it wasn't hard.

She was right. 

                   Heating leftover lentils on the stove top for lunch

                   Heating leftover lentils on the stove top for lunch

So far I haven't had a problem reheating anything on the stove top (or oven) and I find that we eat better without the microwave.

Here's why...

*No more prepackaged microwave vegan meals-These entrees take waay too long in the oven. I could make a whole meal (likely with less sodium and preservatives) in those 50 minutes.  

*Microwaves zap all the nutrients from our food anyway. Read about that here and here. I know this one is controversial.

*Our steam basket is pretty darn convenient. I use it to steam tempeh and frozen vegetables. I liked using the microwave for frozen veggies.


Could you live without a microwave or have you already ditched it?