Eating Pizza....NOT the Vegan Kind

A few weeks ago I ate a slice of cheese pizza from a local spot.
After feeling awful about myself…. I ate another slice. And another. And one more.
You know how some people reach for wine when they have a bad day or when life isn’t going so well? My drug of choice is food.

Sometimes this is my crappy reality.

I’m not proud of it, but I made a vow to myself that I will be more open with you about my journey…the good, the bad and definitely the ugly.
These days, I’m working on embracing my progress and trying not to beat myself up for not being perfect. I’m a work in progress.
Is this your life, too?
I wanted to give you this audio I recorded a little while ago (about 15 minutes long) with tips on how to deal with a vegan slump.
>>> What to do if you fall off a vegan journey audio <<<

Points I made in the audio:

*Make a decision to go vegan, then come up with a plan-Research, use cookbooks, etc

*Connect with other vegans on and offline

*Be open to experimenting with new recipes

*Baby step your way to more vegan meals

*DON'T beat yourself up

Sometimes we have setbacks, but in my experience the journey tends to be like that!

Dust yourself off and try again!

Thanks for reading. Please share your own experiences in the comments.