"Mrs. New Booty" is a blog series I started to document my journey to slim down and eat better. Read the other posts here.
Happy Monday, Fam!
I hope you had a great weekend. I'm ready to get myself together after relaxing a little too hard most of the weekend. I was pretty darn lazy except for working out a couple of times.
On Saturday, I finally met and worked out with Clarissa. She's cool as heck and we have sooo many things in common. I can't wait to hang out with her outside of workouts.
We're making Saturday mornings our weekly workout and chat day. Woohoo!
Mrs. New Booty is turning into more than just getting on a workout schedule, eating better and losing weight. It's helping me feel better about myself, meet new people and offset the symptoms of my depression.
I'll probably talk more about that on another post.
Thanks for reading!