7 Ways to Get Your Kids to Eat More Plant-Based Meals

If someone told me 5 years ago that we would be on this food journey, I would have laughed. In the last two years, we went from drinking lots of diet Coke, eating Hot Pockets and boxed macaroni & cheese to...green smoothies, quinoa, and potato tacos.

We still have a long way to go in improving our diet, but overall, I'm happy with where we are.

I vlogged a little with some tips on how I was able to get my own kids to eat more plant-based dishes....

1. No snacks close to meal times-Kids are less likely to try new dishes/vegetables because they're not as hungry.  I try not to give them anything at least an hour before dinner.

2. Take the little crumb snatchers grocery shopping :-) Getting my kids involved in picking out fresh fruit and vegetables gives them an incentive to try it when we get home.  I like calling out a fruit or vegetable and having them retrieve it for me while shopping.  Also, I encourage them to try any new (to them) fruit or vegetable.

3. Cook together - Discuss the ingredients and why your family is eating better.  This is also a great way to enjoy quality time together.

4. Set the example-Kids are more likely to try a new dish if they see adults they love enjoying it.  Be enthusiastic about eating fresh fruits and vegetables but be sure not to lecture because that will likely turn them off.  

5. Make the food appealing-Research spices and herbs, have a colorful plate, make sure the vegetables aren't overcooked and have enough flavor.  If the food looks appetizing and is delicious, you don't have to convince anyone to eat it. :-)

6. If no one likes it, make it again. Introducing new foods can be a challenge but a lot of times kids will get used to the difference if you're persistent. Also, experiment with using the same ingredient in different dishes. 

7. Have FUN, experiment, and focus on making your food tasty. ☺

How do you get your kids to eat more vegetables?