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177. Why Fruit is the Gateway to A Healthy Life & Focus vs Balance with Dr. Bobby Price

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If you’ve been tuned in to the Brown Vegan Podcast for a while now, you are likely very familiar with my friend Dr. Bobby Price. Dr. Price has been on this podcast twice before to share his experience of the healing benefits of plant-based eating, his work as a holistic doctor, his detox program, and more. 

This week on the podcast, Dr. Bobby Price is back once again, this time sharing all about his new company i Heart Fruit Box, why society has demonized fruit, and how fruit is an ancient gateway to living a healthy lifestyle.

Dr. Bobby Price is a certified plant-based nutritionist, exercise physiologist, and Doctor of Pharmacy. Dr. Price earned double bachelors in Chemistry and Exercise Science from Georgia State University, Certification as a Plant-Based Nutritionist from Cornell University, and a Doctorate of Pharmacy from Mercer University. He has extensive clinical experience in the hospital setting, one on one patient contact in community pharmacy, and health care regulatory experience with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

After personally experiencing the healing powers of a plant-based lifestyle seven years ago, Dr. Price was inspired to adopt a more holistic approach to healing others. Since that time he has traveled the world studying with herbalists, shamans, and spiritual gurus learning the magical art of healing the mind, body, and soul. Now instead of filling synthetic prescriptions, he uses plant-based foods, medicinal herbs, and simple holistic techniques to help others restore their wellbeing.

In Vegucation Over Medication, Dr. Price exposes the myths, lies, and truths about modern foods and medicines. He believes that when aligned with nature, our bodies have an innate ability to heal and the responsibility of our health should be placed back into our hands.

Since it’s been over a year since the last time Dr. Price chatted with me on the podcast, we started our conversation catching up on what has changed in life and business since the Coronavirus pandemic first took root. Dr. Price shares with us some personal reflections from the beginning of 2020, what he learned, and how the pandemic caused a rollercoaster of unpredictable ups and downs for entrepreneurs (and his business personally). Most importantly, he shares how people refocusing on themselves, their self care, and their health shifted his business and gave way for his new company, I Heart Fruitbox, a subscription box centered around making health accessible in the form of beautiful, naturally grown tropical fruits delivered to your doorstep.

We also talk all about:

  • How the pandemic and vegan health documentaries changed society’s perception of holistic health

  • The growing issue of food security, the prevalence of unnatural foods, and Dr. Price’s thoughts on the impacts of GMOs

  • Why fruit has a bad reputation, the fear of sugar, and why not all sugar is created equal

  • The importance of fiber in fruit and in our diets

  • Fruit being the most easily digestible food, providing hydration and time released energy

  • How fruit production has changed over decades + the importance of naturally grown fruit

  • Why seedless fruit is so common and the importance of consuming seeded fruit

  • I Heart Fruit Box and how fruit delivery is making health accessible

  • Fruit as a gateway drug to living a healthier lifestyle

Connect with Dr Price:


Previous episodes with Dr. Bobby Price - 91. From Drug Dealing to Herb Healing & 107. Q&A

Fruit Ripening Guide

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107. Q&A with Dr. Bobby Price | @doctorholistic


Dr. Bobby Price is a certified plant-based nutritionist, exercise physiologist, and Doctor of Pharmacy.

He’s back on the show (here’s his previous episode) answering your questions about detoxing, how food affects our mood, the essentials to a healthy and happy life, what he eats on a daily basis, and so much more.

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91. From Drug Dealing to Herb Healing with Dr. Bobby Price


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You can also listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Stitcher.

Dr. Bobby Price is a certified plant-based nutritionist, exercise physiologist, and Doctor of Pharmacy. He has extensive clinical experience in the hospital setting, one on one patient contact in community pharmacy, and health care regulatory experience with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). 

After personally experiencing the healing powers of a plant-based lifestyle seven years ago, Dr. Price was inspired to adopt a more holistic approach to healing others. Since that time he has traveled the world studying with herbalists, shamans, and spiritual gurus learning the magical art of healing the mind, body, and soul. Now instead of filling synthetic prescriptions, Dr. Price uses plant-based foods, herbal medicine, and holistic techniques to help others restore their well-being.  - Bio credit

We chat about:

  • Dr. Price’s transition from an S.A.D diet to a healthy plant-based lifestyle.

  • Myths and solutions for vitamin deficiencies such as: B12, vitamin D, protein & iron.

  • Natural treatments for common ailments, such as: headaches, menstrual cramps, and stomach pain.

  • Dr. Price’s own meal planning process and where and how he shops.

  • Why you should ignore food advertising (on the front) and flip products over and look at ingredients instead.

  • The benefits of herbal detoxing, his detox program, (use discount code “brownvegan” to save 10%), and what results you can expect after the detox.

Reach Dr. Price:

Website (use discount code “brownvegan” to save 10%)


Buy Vegucation Over Medication

Resources mentioned:


The Dorito Effect

Lov’n it Live (restaurant in ATL)

Dr. Sebi

Colloidal silver (for flu symptoms)

Tassili’s Raw Reality (raw vegan restaurant in ATL)

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