Music In My Ears: Nina Simone-Ain't Got No...I've Got Life


I just read Dream Hampton's Ebony magazine interview with Simone's daughter discussing the casting for Simone's biopic, colorism, and protecting her mother's legacy.
Quotes from the interview...
"I love Zoe Saldana’s work. I’ve seen some of her movies more than once and really enjoy what she brings to the screen. As an actress I respect her process, but I also know that there are many actresses out there, known or not, who would be great as my mother. The one actress that I’ve had in my heart for a very long time, whose work I’m familiar with already, is Kimberly Elise."

"If any of us tried to take the story of Bing Crosby or, Dean Martin, or Frank Sinatra, or Elvis Presley and turn it into something that was a tall tale based on something that never happened, I doubt that we'd get very far."
Read the rest of the interview here.

Music In My Ears: Kanye West - All Falls Down ft. Syleena Johnson

"It seems we living the American dream

 The people highest up got the lowest self esteem

The prettiest people do the ugliest things

For the road to riches and diamond rings" 

*tears* I miss this Yeezy :-(


Fun Fact: The hook for All Falls Down was originally recorded by Lauryn Hill. Like my son, Simon says, "She went in on this song." lol

"Expert witness, the paid authority

Made a priority to deceive the majority

Of disinterested peers, dodging duty for years

Hating the process waiting to be returning to their careers
Do we expect the system made for the elect

To possibly judge correct? Properly serve and protect?

Materially corrupt, spiritually amuck

Oblivious to the cause, prosperously bankrupt"

Music In My Ears...

Common-In My Own World

"I love black thighs, you sisters better realize 

The real hair and real eyes get real guys 
So before you makeup your face, you better make up your mind "


Speaking of make-up, I purchased lipstick for the first time in years.  I had the tube on my night stand and Alvin wanted to what it was. lol  I told him and he asked, "Why do you have it?" He play too much. I know he's right though.