Goals for the Week Update

Happy Sunday morning. I'm sitting here listening to the rain, sipping tea and feeling inspired to write in my journal and blog. A sign that this will be a good day. :-)


Even though I recorded and uploaded 3 videos (a record!), didn't allow the boys online until they did their reading and vocabulary, unplugged on Sunday, and planned a date night that wasn't just a dinner and movie, I still barely scratched the surface on the other stuff.

I didn't read Grammatically Correct, shampoo the carpet (well at least it was vacuumed lol), or write at all outside of the blog.  I guess I should give myself a little more credit though.....I did post 5 times this week. *pat myself on the back*


Next week's goals will be more realistic, measurable, and obtainable...you know, like goals are suppose to be. *shaking my head*

*Dusting myself off and trying again*

Goals for the coming week....

*Wake up at 6 AM Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday (Sunday is DONE!)

*Write in journal, Sunday, Tuesday, Friday-no word minimum, just WRITE

*Shampoo the carpet in the dining room by Wednesday night

*Record and edit one cooking video

*2 nature walks with the kids

*Make sure the boys are keeping up with their daily chores

*Write on the main blog Mon, Wed, Fri




Youtube Cuteness


What My Kids Say