My ONLY New Year's Resolution-Be SHAMELESS

Anyone else hate lengthy New Year's resolutions as much as I do?  

Social media has made me loathe it even more than usual. People going on and on about all the major changes that will make for the new year and by Febuary it's business as usual. No progress and no real effort to truly make their lives better.


I've been there and done that year after year. Lose 10 lbs. Work out every day. No more sugar. Read 80 books.

Blah. blah. Blah

I want to do things a bit differently for the new year...better yet, starting today.

I want to face my fears, insecurities, and everything else head on. How will I truly grow and learn if I don't?

What exactly do I mean? I want to be the person that I am without censorship or fear of rejection.

I want to be my authentic self.

This is something that I've struggled with for so long.  Not feeling or being good enough.  Wondering why anyone would take me seriously. etc. etc. etc.

The bottom line is, I'm not meant for everyone to like or love me.  None of us are and that's okay.

I have a vlog channel that I "hide" because I'm afraid of judgement and that people won't like me if they see those videos.  

I'm not perfect and that's ok.

Hopefully this newfound being free to be myself strategy leads to positive results in other parts of my life.


My resolution is to be FEARLESS. No more sugarcoating and other BS. 


If you're into New Year's resolutions, what's yours?

 P.S. I changed all the videos on my vlog channel from unlisted to "public"

If you want to, subscribe to that channel.

I hope you're having a great day.  I say that and mean it. :-)


Shameless Maya inspired me to be SHAMELESS in the video below.


Just Another Day Episode #8 White House Garden Tour


Just Another Day Ep#7 Goofing Off With Fam in DC