Bland Chinese Food & Three Hour Laundry

"In reality, long-term travel has nothing to do with demographics-age, ideology, income-and everything to do with personal outlook." Vagabonding: An Uncommon Guide to the Art of Long-Term World Travel by Rolf Potts

My bucket list is simple. Well, no it can be considered quite complex.  The only objective I have on it is to visit every state and country in the world.  Sure, it's a very ambitious desire but one that I feel is achievable.  I find myself following vagabonding blogs and imagining myself in their shoes.  Breathing foreign air, eating delectable dishes, and learning more about the history, customs and daily life of people all over the world.

Yes, I have a strong wanderlust drive.  I dream, hope, want more than anything to pack a single bag and travel every inch of this majestic world with The Hubs.

Ever since I was a little girl, I've an appetite for world travel. I think it came from my dad telling me about his military travels, thumbing pages of National Geographic and seeing my parents pack up to see the world together. I've envisioned myself immersing into the food  and customs of other lands and even facing the intimidation of speaking foreign languages.

The Hubs is completely on board (Yippee!) for our future vagabond lives but casually asked, "How will you survive in developing countries when the idea of staying at the Ramada makes your skin itch?" Ouch!  He makes an excellent point!  I'm a little umm, ritzy when it comes to where I rest my head and what I eat. An example is the bland chinese food in the above picture.

Another case in point: the towels in the above picture.
I admit, I have a long way to go in letting down my guard and not crying over mundane first world problems. We stayed in a condo in FL that came equipped with a washer and dryer.  The washer was fine but it took me literally 3 hours to dry that load of towels.  I was very annoyed about the inconvenience and then thought about how could I possibly survive in developing countries if not having fresh towels made me nervous.

I have some work to do; especially with the trials and tribulation that come with planning and executing such a long scale journey.  I am up for challenge though.

I want to travel and experience how people from all over the world communicate, sleep, raise their families, and work.  Sure, I can get this "experience" from reading accounts from other people, but nothing will give me the true feeling of sipping tea at a Japanese ceremony or being fitted for a handmade dress in Morocco. I see and believe in this happening, and so it will.  :-)

Viva Vagabonding!




Disney Day #7