Just be sure to add time in your schedule for meal planning, grocery shopping (to get more comfortable in the store & to read food labels) and check out restaurants menus online to see what vegan options they have available before you leave the house. Feeling rushed will only discourage you, so "always be ready, so you don't have to get ready."
Happycow.net is a good resource for finding vegan restaurants near your home and while traveling.
Is it Vegan? is a great app to determine whether or not a product is vegan while grocery shopping.
Finding Vegan is a great resource to find vegan recipes around the interwebs.
3. Be very gentle with yourself
There’s a misconception that vegans are perfect and that we never have issues with food. I don’t know about you, but I don’t believe in perfect. It just doesn’t exist.
This lifestyle is truly a process and it takes time to get comfortable with no longer having meat, eggs, and cheese on your plate.
I want to give you a quick word of advice - Celebrate the baby steps no matter how small and always always embrace progression over perfection.
When you’re struggling with food, the only way to get back on track is by being gentle with yourself and understand that you’re human.
Write down what’s going on in your life that can be holding you back.
Is it a lack of meal planning, too busy to cook or just not feeling inspired? All of these things are normal. What can you do to make changes to your schedule that will allow for you to invest a little more time into getting back on track?
Remember, this transition is so worth it, so relax and embrace the ups and downs that may come along with being on this journey.
There was a time in my own journey that I didn't think I could move forward.
I went on vacation about 3 years ago and ate crab cake.
After eating that crab cake, I ate non-vegan cake and some other non-vegan meals.
I felt so defeated.
When I got home (after being sick for days), I continued to eat mostly vegan but still had issues getting back on track.
I think this is the side of vegan life that many don't talk about. Whether you're on the journey for a few months on a few years (like I was at the time), you realize this journey isn't perfect.
Keep moving forward and please please please don't beat yourself up if you get off track.
This will only hold you back.