Happy Birthday to Me: Gifts and Fudge Cake

The day has finally arrived! Hello, Thirty!

The older I get, the more I see value in experiences opposed to physical possessions. I like vacations, good food, movies, and true friendship. Sure, I still like the newness of getting things (like a car or clothing), but once the luster has worn off, it’s hard for me to connect the item to the person who gave it to me. It just becomes stuff.


I received an amazing birthday gift when I volunteered in Theodore’s 1st grade class this morning.  I usually sit in the teacher’s lounge and file paperwork, sharpening pencils (the most annoying task ever), prep for their math and language activities, etc.


When I came back into the class, the students sang happy birthday to me and made me a crown (everyone signed it). Sooo sweet! I didn’t even realize my little guy told the class about my birthday.


THIS is my favorite kind of gift! The type of gift that stays with you forever and doesn’t need to be replaced or maintained.

The Hubs said he would pick up a vegan cake at Whole Foods for me, but I decided to make my own instead (and save him a 30 minute drive).

I made Ani Phyo’s Raspberry Ganache Fudge Cake a few days ago and it looked like this…


I made another one after returning from school this morning….


I didn’t use raspberries this time and it was still very good. 


Fudge cake

3 cups dry walnuts

2/3 cup unsweetened cacao powder or carob powder

¼ teaspoon sea salt

1 cup pitted Medjool dates


1/3 cup pitted Medjool dates

¼ agave syrup

½ cup ripe avocado flesh

1/3 cup cacao powder


½ cup raspberries


To make the cake, combine the walnuts, cacao powder, and salt in the food processor and pulse until coarsely mixed.  Avoid over processing. Add the dates and pulse until well mixed. Shape into 2 stackable cakes of desired shape and set aside.

To make the frosting, combine the dates and agave syrup in the food processor and process until smooth.  Add the avocado and cacao powder and process until smooth.

To serve, frost the top of one of the cakes with half the frosting and top with raspberries. Stack the second cake on top and frost the top and sides.

Cake is good for up to one week in the fridge.

I’m off to enjoy this cake, some tea, and a few hours of silence.

Thirty never tasted so good!

5 Ways to Encourage Healthy Eating Habits

It is important to instill healthy eating habits as early as possible with your kids to ensure they carry those habits throughout life.  My dad did most of the cooking growing up (he’s an awesome cook) and even though we ate a lot of meat and dairy, he made most dishes from scratch and used fresh produce from the farmer’s market.

With my own children, I try to give them as many healthy, tasty choices as possible.  

Allow children to pick out fresh fruits and vegetables at the grocery store/farmer's market-My kids like the produce section because I think they realize it’s one of the few places where mama won’t say no. lol We often discuss what’s ripe, what's in season, and how to prepare different meals using vegetables.


Put them to work-Kids are more open to new recipes/ingredients when they take part in the preparation. Since I love to experiment in the kitchen and spend a lot of time there, it’s natural that my boys want to help.  I let them measure out ingredients (great for math), read the recipes and serve.  It is also a great opportunity for quality conversations about school, friends, etc. 

No one likes it? Make it again- Most of us don’t like change, so sometimes we gripe not because it’s a bad idea but because we want things to stay the same. I recently started buying sprouted bread to avoid preservatives in traditional bread and no one seemed to like it.  I found that when I toasted the bread the complaints died down and the boys are now enjoying it with almond butter. I don't follow this idea with everything I serve, but I do if I feel the health benefits outweigh the gripes. :-)

Give them what they like- My boys love chocolate pudding and ice cream, so I made sure to find healthier recipes that taste very similar to the original.

Set the example-Kids model our behavior for better or worse.  An example of this happened just this morning in my house.  I have a bad habit of eating my pancakes with lots of butter but I never put it on the boys’ pancakes.  Simon made his plate and instantly headed to the refrigerator for butter.  I told him he didn’t need it and thought about how he got the idea in the first place. ME

What are your tips for getting your child (ren) to eat healthy? Let’s discuss in the comments section below. 

Chocolate Smoothie for Breakfast? Why Not?

My oldest son has been avoiding breakfast each morning since school started last week.  I think he’s probably adjusting to the new schedule and using that time to fully wake up.  I don’t like sending him to school on an empty stomach, so I decided to serve him a chocolate smoothie.  Chocolate for breakfast? Maybe I should feel guilty, but I don’t. :-)



3 handfuls of fresh spinach

1 cup of soy or almond milk

2 tablespoons of cacao powder

1 frozen banana

1 teaspoon of cacao nibs (optional)

1-2 tablespoons of natural peanut butter (optional)

1 tablespoon of agave nectar (optional; for sweetness)

Blend all ingredients except the cacao nibs. Pour into a glass and top with cacao nibs

Cacao powder & nibs are raw chocolate and an excellent source of fiber and magnesium.


After Hurricane Irene, Simon wrote a poem while we sat in the dark.


Moonlight moonlight;

Shining so bright;

Shining so bright that it makes me want to write


He enjoyed his smoothie

These Chipmunks Can Swim

Alvin & Theo enjoying the water

I posted in June about my boys not being about to swim, even though they actively spend time in the lake or pool each summer.

Since then, The Hubs has been working with them, and now all three can swim quite well.  They jump off the diving board (8 ft) and Simon can even swim the full length of the neighborhood pool. Woo-hoo!

The irony is Simon has been teaching me how to swim.  I must say he's a very patient instructor.  :-)