herbal vegan detoc

7-Day Raw Food Challenge | Are You In?

7-Day Raw Food Challenge | Are You In?

We all need to hit the reset button and this is the perfect time of year to do it.

I did a juice cleanse a couple of years ago (wasn't the best experience) and told myself that I would only do another one if I could chew my raw fruit and vegetables, too.

If you're interested in transitioning to a vegan lifestyle, I think doing a raw vegan cleanse/detox is a great way to reset your palate.

Some of the people I've interviewed on my podcast started their vegan journey this way.

They start off by doing a 7-30 day challenge of raw vegan meals, smoothies and/or juice and then transition to a healthy vegan lifestyle of both raw and cooked meals.

Since I still have to cook for the kids (Eric is joining me - Woo hoo!), I will keep our raw meals super simple during this challenge.  We will probably eat mono meals, drink smoothies and eat basic salads with lots of raw greens the whole time.


  • No meat, dairy, wheat, eggs, processed sugar or alcohol
  • Eat plenty of fresh fruit, raw vegetables and drink fresh juice & smoothies
  • Drink lots of water
  • You can also drink warm tea and warm water with lemon
  • Be super gentle with yourself and share your experiences on the Facebook page

I put together a quick video about the challenge here...