One In, TWO Out

"Too many people spend money they haven't earned, to buy things they don't want, to impress people they don't like." -Will Smith

This post is inspired by Angela Yee's $70,000 shoe collection.  The New York radio personality says she has accumulated several hundred pairs of designer shoes over the years.  Even though the number of shoes she owns is astounding, I can't say I'm too surprised. As a society, we tend to become slaves to overconsumption.  It is ingrained in us from an early age to acquire as many luxuries as possible to obtain a sense of  status and security in American culture.  The theory of work hard to acquire more isn't too far fetched in our society.

A Solution for Life

Yee's article has forced me to reflect on my own overconsumption.  I've decided to test out the One In, Two Out philosophy in my own life.  How will this work?  If I purchase one item, I will go home and donate (or sell) two items.

The Logic Behind this Decision

In my quest to streamline every room in our house, the One In, Two Out plan will allow me to control the additional clutter and maintain an organized living space.  I have decided to apply this philosophy to my own stuff only, and will continue the One In, One Out with the kids.

I'm optimistic about this change because I think it will:

*Curve impulsive purchases- I will likely not want to give away 2 of anything, so this decision will force to me think long and hard before making any purchase.

*Make practical buying decisions-I will more likely to seek out products that not only make our lives easier but offer multiple uses

*Buy Less, Have More, Save More-Amazing Domino effect

We deceive ourselves into believing the purchase of a larger home, newer car, or designer clothes will make us feel better about ourselves. In actuality, after the excitement of a purchase wears off, the emptiness settles in and we look for the next new, shiny, and very temporary fix.  It's a cycle.  A vicious cycle that we have all fallen victim to.  Not to mention, the additional responsibility of maintaining this new item, which can include additional expense and time. Time taken away from relationships and issues that are truly important to us.  My plan is to combat any feelings of emptiness with prayer, love, and laughter; not overconsumption.  I want to get back to the basics and focus more on quality time with family, exploring new hobbies, writing, and not falling prey to the media ploy of more is the key to happiness.