Even If You Tried Before...Don't Give Up!
I was on Instagram Live the other day talking to my peeps (come follow me on there so we can connect, too!) about how and why they should start a vegan journey.
One of the ladies asked if it's normal to start and then "fall off the wagon" only after a few weeks.
This is pretty common! Maybe you can relate.
Before I became vegan in April 2010, I tried it earlier that year (around January), but only lasted about two weeks.
I lived on fruit, sunflower seeds and water during this time because I had no idea what to eat, cook, or how to vegan grocery shop.
I was sooo overwhelmed!
These days there are a million resources, ingredients replacements (homemade and store-bought) and support, so there's really no excuse to not incorporate healthier and more compassionate options.
Even if you tried to go vegan before, you should never give up!
Don't let these reasons stop you from going vegan:
*Meal planning and cooking is too time-consuming -- I can understand why this is a struggle for many people. We're all used to grocery shopping and cooking at some level - The problem is, most of us aren't used to writing a detailed meal plan and paying close attention to what we buy while grocery shopping.
This is the reason vegan life can feel time-consuming in the beginning. I promise once you get used to those uncomfortable feelings (by pushing passed them) and get into a routine, all of this will become easier.
Related: Check out some meal planning tips here and here
*Feeling like it has to be perfect circumstances to start -- I don't care what anyone says, it doesn't have to be all or nothing to get started on your vegan journey. It takes time to learn (and unlearn all the crap that we've been conditioned to believe), so just start.
*Too expensive -- Check out my podcast episode with tips on how to save some coins on your grocery bill here
*Feeling alone (no one in your real life is interested) --- You can find a community online, using meetup.com and even in private Facebook groups like we have in Zero to Vegan. Being around like-minded people will make the transition so much easier.
Action steps:
- Get clear on your why and make the decision to be vegan
- Be open to experimenting in the kitchen (check out this previous post with tips on how to get confident in the kitchen)
- Don't beat yourself up!
You've got this!