Learning to Turn Down the Noise | Mrs. New Booty #9
I started the "Mrs. New Booty" series to document some of my food issues, weight loss & self love chit-chat. Read older posts here
The internet is an interesting place.
It makes me excited, hopeful, envious, inspired, sad, happy, and can have me rolling around the bed in laughter - all in the span of a few hours.
I've been working on filtering a lot of that noise out of my life...especially social media.
There's so much amazing content out there, but overall a lot of the chatter is a distraction.
I just don't think it's healthy to look at what everyone else is doing when there's so many improvements that I need to make in my own life.
I need to work on my marriage, spend more quality time with my children, grow my business, find out what I really want out of life, eat better, read more & spend more time outside.
All of that is hard to do when I'm constantly plugged in!
I feel like I'm entering a new season in my life. A season where I'm learning to be confident about my life and myself. It's definitely a process but I will be diligent to make it happen.
What I do now to unplug?
- Daily walks around my neighborhood for 30 minutes - Eric told me that he heard on a podcast that the results of a daily walk can make you feel like you just got a $30,000 increase. Cha ching!
- Intentional unplugging for 2 hours a day- I know this doesn't sound like much but for someone who is constantly plugged in this is an amazing step! I can't wait to build up to most of the day unplugged. *crossing my fingers*
- Unfollowed/hid nearly everyone - I like a lot of people online and kept finding myself being more tuned in to their lives than my own. I unfollowed (and hid) tons of people to take back my time. I still check on folks but overall "out of sight out of mind" rules everything around me.
I have to put my blinders on and do the work if I ever want to come out of this dark hole.
I'm well aware that social media is a depression trigger for me. Sad but true.
What's next?
- Meditation. *sigh* I've tried meditation on and off for years but I never feel like I'm doing it right. I'm reading 10% Happier right now and Dan Harris has me inspired to try it again. I always hear about the amazing benefits, so I know that tapping into it should give me more patience. Lord knows I need more patience! lol
- Adding more time to my unplugged life - This one is hard but I have to do it. I'll probably add 30 more minutes a day each month for the rest of the year. *crossing my fingers*
I will still look at pop culture stories (lawd!) and check in on folks, but overall I will be intentional with my time.
The internet is a powerful resource (hell I make my living on it!) but I really have to step back and take control of my life if I want to achieve all the amazing dreams that I see for myself & family.
I have to step back so I can step up and live my best life.