Monique Watts

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Does Your Boo HAVE to be Vegan?

Last month on the podcast (listen here), I had a chat with my girl DeChantell about her transition to raw veganism and struggles with dating as a vegan.

Being in a relationship as a new vegan or while dating can be...interesting.

When I started my journey back in 2010, Eric looked at me like this when I told him I wasn't cooking meat anymore...

At the time, I was a vegetarian, so he was expecting me to continue cooking multiple meals for him and the boys.

Ummm, no.

Going vegan was all good until he realized my decision would affect himDoes this sound familiar? lol

It wasn't an easy transition, but worth all the time that went into making this lifestyle as delicious and family-friendly for us as possible.

These days he's loving vegan meals at home (the kids, too!) and is glad that we made the shift for the animals and better health. :-)

With only about 2% of Americans identifying as vegan, it really does narrow down the dating pool when you're looking for a boo who is already vegan. Instead of limiting your options, I think it's best to find someone who is open-minded.

If I were to ever date again, the new guy wouldn't "have" to be a vegan, but he would have to be genuinely open-minded and respectful of my decisions.

He would have to be willing to try the food or cook for himself (I refuse to go back to cooking two meals lol), and we would have to share many of the same values.

Think of it this way, my husband Eric wasn't interested at all but came around once there was more education, consistency, and love.

What are your thoughts? 

Related posts: How to Date As A Vegan