Brown Vegan Love: Kimberly Elise
Sometimes I feel like I don't "know" enough Black vegans.
Last I checked, only 2% of Americans identify as vegan, so just imagine how small our numbers are overall....
I was so excited to see actress Kimberly Elise featured in the latest PETA ad campaign. She's been on a vegan journey for 5 years after being a vegetarian for 10 years.
After learning about the harsh realities of animal suffering, Elise decided a vegan lifestyle is best for her life.
In this video she talks about her transition and the perks....
She said the most ridiculous thing she's been asked on this journey is, "Black people are vegan?" Gurrl, I can relate!
Her fave vegan perks: Food taste better because your palate is cleansed since you're not eating meat, great energy and more youthful appearance.
P.S. Is it me or did PETA do a terrible job of make-up/editing my boo's face in that pic? I almost didn't recognize her.