The 5 Minute Workout-Mrs. New Booty #7
I started the "Mrs. New Booty" series is document my weight loss (lifestyle change) & self love journey.
This weather is killing my vibe.
The last thing I want to do is go outside in the cold (and snow) for my walk. Even though I've been using the weather as an excuse not to exercise, I'm working on not making excuses.
It's hard.
After so many years of justifying my bad habits, it will take me some time to get it right. My workouts are very simple anyway...I usually just walk and listen to a podcast.
Until I can get back out for my walk...
I've been doing a 5 minute workout from home. This may sound silly but I know how I am. Starting small and being consistent works wonders for me, so I only commit to 5 minutes.
I put on a ratchet song and run fast in place like I'm on a treadmill. It feels like the longest 5 minutes in life but I feel energized and ready to conquer my day when it's over.
I also listen to Will Smith's Wisdom for about 7 minutes before I start my running to stretch and get motivated.
The beauty of starting. I'm celebrating this baby step, but I do plan to increase my routine as time goes on. The weather will get right soon (it was actually very nice today) and I'll be back outside enjoying the fresh air.
What baby steps are you taking today to change your life? Are you eating better, writing more, unplugging from the Internet to recharge? Leave me a comment below.