10 Random Things About Me
I'm really working on making my YouTube channel more than just recipes. I made a Welcome video several weeks ago showing some of the topics that I plan to cover.
I want my channel to be more of a lifestyle one...showing what we do when it comes to food as a family, eating out, vlogs about my experiences, tips, reviews, etc. Of course the recipe videos are here to stay. :-)
My fellow YouTuber Mel (AKA blaxirican) tagged me to do the 10 random things about me video so I filmed it over the weekend.
Here it is....
1. I've been a vegan for 3 years this month-Woohoo!!
2. I'm a homebody.
3. My husband is my first interracial relationship.
4. I'm the most comfortable in yoga pants and sneakers.
5. I love ratchet music.
6. I can't dance.
7. I'm afraid of heights.
8. I drink a lot of tea.
9. The King of Queens is my favorite show & Coming to America is my favorite movie.
10. I didn't start cooking from scratch until I became a vegan.
What are your random tidbits? Let me know in the comments below.